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~~ Remember who you are ~~ *

Multidimensional reading, healing, remembering and activation. 

Here you can find my services. •

Home: Welcome

Happy to meet you here. Feel welcome. Bless....... ~<~<~<

//This site works by scrolling down. If you wish to order please send me a message. You can send a message through this site, or to my email:

Home: About Me


• ‘Nog even terugkomend op jouw had echt een paar hele rake dingen. Het heeft behoorlijk indruk gemaakt.’ •

• ‘Djoeke is a sensitive, intuitive, magical being who is able to tune into your essence so beautifully. I always feel uplifted, inspired and aligned when i receive a reading from her!’ •

• ‘Djoeke Huijtker was kind enough to provide me with a soul reading and I found it very profound and thorough. Some highly fascinating revelations were gained <3 I very much recommend her! :)’ •

• ‘Ive received two soul readings, from Djoeke, both extremely insightful and helpful.The first was a lot of imagery of all aspects coming forth of my multidimentionality, presenting themselves, some curious connections of past lives, it was confirming of things I’ve known, as well as some new came in.The 2nd began as a response to a crisis I was experiencing, and Djoeke’s gifts were very sympathetic and helpful. She gave me a message from a light being whom I feel very close to that appeared. And the message was confirmed truthful within the following days. Djoeke can help you to travel within your multidimentionality and experience more of yourself. I was able to access aspects of me to gift myself reflection and new perspective. It was quite healing and reassuring. I am most greatful to her for the sessions, and recommend her services. She is very heart centered and sincere and creates a safe container. Thank you Djoeke Huijtker!’ •

• ‘ I received a reading from djoeke a month ago and I still remember about it a lot. She offers soooo much. I wrote it all down and it resonates. It remembers my soul, my heart, my being. It gives me confidence, trust and strength. And a lot of tools for my process. Yes, I would recommend, definitely‘ •

Home: Testimonials



Multidimensional reading

Multidimensional Reading

A multidimensional reading is a journey wherein you meet aspects (or representatives) of your soul. This can be an angelic aspect, an animal totem, a human aspect from another lifetime, etcetera. These aspects show up for you to remember who you truly are and can remind you of certain qualities or gifts. These readings are transmitted through voice, to make the energy (vibration) most feelable. 

3 versions:
Via voice messages (30 min, €88)
Online (60 min, €111)
Via voice messages (15 min, €55)


Multidimensional healing/ activation 

A multidimensional journey/healing/session/activation.

Online (60 min €111,-)


Soul Essence Portrait 

Based on your soul essence I create you a soul portrait. (€111)


Soul Song 

I sing you a song in resonance to your soul, to enjoy, relax, remember, heal, activate. Toning and light language. 

Via voice message (15 min, €55)



Audio. Transmissions. Meditations. Healing frequencies. Light language. 

Audio 1- cherry blossom (€12) 12 min prerecorded relaxing and healing audio. Journey into a healing chamber, with light language. 

Audio 2- lavish transmission, ancient divinity and deep self love (€22) 24 min prerecorded audio. Healing, activation and light language. 


Multidimensional business Reading

I retrieve cosmic and intuition based information to your business questions. 

2 versions:
Online (60 min, €177)
Via voice messages (30 min, €111) 


Multidimensional couple healing session

Multidimensional healing session for a couple/partners or any other combination of 2 people. 

Online (75 min, €177)


The Elven Kingdom. 

Group program. Opening up to your multidimensional self.

Embrace your beautiful deep loving heart

Inner child




Be all that you are

Express all that you are 

Open up to your multidimensional self.

You can enter the group at any time and will be in for 6 weeks. You can extend this period. 

Tier 1 €111,-
Tier 2 €222,- Tier 3 €333,- 
You choose the amount based on what is possible for you to pay and what resonates to your heart. 
(Payment in terms is possible)
-If you strongly feel the call and do not have the means, please message me. 

Group sessions: Wednesdays at 19:00 pm CEST (1 live session per week) 1,5 hour 

Transmissions: FB lives and prerecorded. (Once a week) Shared in the Facebook group. Multidimensional journeys. 

For more info:


Nectar. Golden frequencies

A 7 week group immersion into golden frequencies. Feeling the body from the inside out. Experiencing our inner wealth. Multidimensional journeying with different totem animals, symbols and places. To retrieve our own golden codes.


Inner wealth, earth, moon and stars. 

3 x 1,5 hour long group sessions on inner wealth. Releasing programming around wealth (a.o. father and mother wound). Grounding and opening up to star frequencies. 
Starting again end of april. 


Book on Death

Multi-author book project. Sharing our experiences with death and dying.


Oracle Deck (coming)


A Diamond and it’s facets

~remembering wholeness~

💎 8-week group program

💎 Online meeting every week, 1,5 hours

💎 Facebook group

💎 1 personal soul reading (30 minute voicemessage)

💎 1 personal session

💎 Multidimensional soul retrieval, trauma healing and awakening of the divine inner child (playfulness).

💎 €1500,-

💎 I am a licensed psychologist and a multidimensional guide.

You are welcome 🤍

Payment plans possible. 

For any questions sent me a message.

Thursdays 7 pm CEST

Start september 19th 

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